
Term 2012/2013

  • Lecture 1  -  Supersymmetry: introduction and motivation  - 29 oct 2012.

  • Lecture 2  -  Spinors and superspace  - 30 oct 2012.

  • Lecture 3  -  Superfields  - 31 oct 2012.

  • Lecture 4  -  Supersymmetric gauge theories, I  - 6 nov 2012.

  • Lecture 5  -  Supersymmetric gauge theories, II  - 8 nov 2012.

  • Lecture 6  -  Extended supersymmetry  - 20 nov 2012.

  • Lecture 7  -  N=2 supersymmetric gauge theory  - 22 nov 2012.

  • Lecture 8  -  The quantum moduli space  - 27 nov 2012.

  • Lecture 9  -  The Seiberg-Witten solution  - 29 nov 2012.

  • Lectures 10 to 14  -  Non perturbative aspects of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories  - 4, 11, 13, 18 & 20 dec 2012.

  • Spinors  -  Useful identities and conventions.

  • Bibliography  -  Recommended list of references.

  • Introducing Supersymmetry  -  by Martin F. Sohnius.

  • 6 Lectures on QFT, RG and SUSY  -  by Timothy J. Hollowood.

  • A pedagogical introduction to Seiberg-Witten  -  by Adel Bilal.

  • Lectures take place in room 2  (tuesdays and thursdays, from 17'30 to 19).
